Micki Watanabe Spiller


Banned Books Banditos

Micki Watanabe Spiller

Banned Books Banditos

Micki Watanabe Spiller



Roaming between Union Square West and Seventh Avenue

A gaggle of five to ten “Reading Outlaws” strut along 14th Street to the soundtrack of Ennio Morricone’s Westerns, wearing bandoliers made of embroidered leather and felt, each carrying a book that has been banned in the past, such as Slaughterhouse 5, The Color Purple, and The Catcher in the Rye, etc. The design takes inspiration from bandoliers that have been used to carry guns in the old west, thus turning the books into weapons of knowledge. As our country continues to ban books and restrict knowledge, there is a parallel to weaponizing books and the danger of reading ensues.

Micki Watanabe Spiller is a reader, paper purist, and a lover of books. She creates works using them as source material and her studio practice can be evenly divided into reading, writing, and making. Though her background is in sculpture, she also combines performative aspects creating moments where storytelling can take place.
